Tech help: Easy Desk Software, 516-587-9015, WinSafe98 Version 2.4 THIS FILE CONTAINS THE INFORMATION YOU MAY NEED IF YOU CRASH If after following this complete file and you still can not reboot to Windows you may call our tech line for free support. You will need your registration # and version # [TECH HELP] Version# = Registration#= To access this file after you close it at the Dos prompt return to the WinSafe Directory and type EDIT RESTORE.TXT CONTENTS AVAILABLE COMMANDS AT DOS WHAT IF I CRASH IOS Errors HOW TO ACCESS WINSAFE IF IN SAFE MODE WHAT TO DO IF YOU ARE IN SAFE MODE WHAT TO DO IF YOU CANNOT BOOT TO WINDOWS HOW TO RESTORE VIEWING FILES FROM DOS AVAILABLE COMMANDS AT DOS Type these words at the Winsafe directory: Type Results will produce Anti This will start the virus scanner. This is as good a place as any to start looking for problems. This will also verify files. Attrib This can add or remove attribute of files. To learn more type: Attrib /? Bootlog This will bring up the Bootlog for viewing, and will search the file for failed files. Edit This command is used for editing a text file such as files of bat,txt,ini. To learn more type: Edit /? Help This will display this portion (Available Commands at DOS) of this file with explanations of each command. Ioserror This command is used to get into Windows if you have an IOS error. Makdisk This command will create a systems diskette from Dosin the event that you do not have one. More This command will allow you to read a file a sreen at a time. To learn more type: More /? MSD This will start the MS Diagnosic tool. This tool if used carefully can show you most hardware problems. To learn more type: MSD /? Oldreg This will install a copy of the Registry created the last time you installed Windows Reboot This command will reboot the computer. Restore This will bring up this entire file for viewing Scan This will start Scandisk to repair any hard drive errors. It should bee used as one of the first steps in recovering from a crash. Windows This command will finish loading windows if you have an IOS Error or windows stop loading on you are returned to the DOS Prompt. Winsafe This will restore all system files with the current backup files and bring up this file for viewing. If this command is used be sure to use the RESTORED FROM DOS command on the menu bar item RESTORE on winsafe interface when you have recovered. Winsafe1 This will replace the Registry with the Registry stored in Winsafe's safe. This command should only be used after you have used the Winsafe Command. Winstall If you have placed your cabinet files on the hard drive and selected this option, this will start the setup program for Windows95. This is your last hope of recovering without formating. WHAT IF I CRASH 1) If you crash and reboot to Windows do not Backup files until you are sure everything is fine. If the system is a little weak you may use the RESTORE button. If you have lost the use of your Mouse use ALT and the R button then arrow down and Enter. 2) If you have crashed, you may have rebooted to SAFE MODE: See "WHAT TO DO IF ARE IN SAFE MODE" If not reboot again and press the F8 key during boot up when you see the "FOR SETUP PRESS F2". Then select the SAFE MODE. This should get you To SAFE MODE.Then read WHAT TO DO IF YOU ARE IN SAFE MODE. 3) If you find yourself at the DOS prompt and unable to get to SAFE MODE see WHAT TO DO IF YOU CANNOT BOOT TO WINDOWS 4) If you find yourself at neither place: place a reboot diskette in A:\ and reboot. Wait till the DOS prompt appears and see WHAT TO DO IF YOU CANNOT BOOT TO WINDOWS IOS ERRORS If you get locked out of Windows and get the message IOS Error then reboot and press the f8 key when you see the STARTING WINDOWS 95 message. Then select log boot and when you are returned to the DOS Prompt go to the WinSafe directory and type the word Bootlog. WinSafe will the display the file for viewing. You will be looking for files that failed to load. Most times you will find a list of fonts near the bottom that are probably causing the problem. WinSafe can also display just the file ythat failed. Follow the on screens instructions. HOW TO ACCESS WINSAFE IF IN SAFE MODE If you get to Safe Mode and do not have a task bar or icons on your desktop click on the Windows button on your key board. The Taskman will appear, click on File and the Run Application. Then use the browser button in the Run Window that will appear next and find Winsafty.exe in the WinSafe directory. Then click on utilities and then Explorer. WHAT TO DO IF YOU ARE IN SAFE MODE In case of a crash, enter Windows in Safe Mode and access WinSafe98. Click on Restore with current then reboot and select the f8 key the moment you see Starting Windows and then select #2 (Log boot) at the menu. You will be able to view this later. After reentering Windows click on the REPORT button; when WinSafe finishes you may view the changes made to files. This should be a good start to finding the problem. If you can, try printing it out. If you are unable to print it out, write all the information down. Then click the RESTORE button and restart your computer. You may also select the option of restoring your Old Configuration. Winsafe will allow you to use the Old Configuration without have backed up after you have restored using the Restore button. To do this, use the Restore from Safe command at the menu bar under Restore. WinSafe will only allow you to restore once with the current backup files then with the Restore from Safe. You can always restore the current configuration later. All necessary files will be over written with your backup. If this fixes your problem you may continue and backup at any time. Remember, once you have used the Restore feature, WinSafe98 will not allow you to backup until you have rebooted to Windows successfully (except if you use the Restore from Safe command).If you still boot into Safe Mode, use the WinSafe command at the Dos prompt. See WHAT TO DO IF YOU CANNOT BOOT TO WINDOWS. WHAT TO DO IF YOU CANNOT BOOT TO WINDOWS If you crash to a point that you can only access the C:\>, go to the WinSafe directory and type the word WinSafe at the WinSafe directory. Example: C:\windows>cd\ (press enter) C:\>cd\winsafe (press enter) C:\WINSAFE>WINSAFE (press enter) This instruction file can be opened by typing the word Restore at the dos prompt. All necessary files will be over written with your backup and your Autoexec.bat and the Config.sys will be deleted. These two files can be restored later using the restore button. Be sure to read the HOW TO RESTORE section first. WinSafe will then reboot your computer. You will need to fix the problem that caused the crash before being able to backup or restore. All the vital files will no longer be hidden until you backup again This means you may now use Windows to copy files. This is so that you may repair the problem. If you still cannot boot to Windows, use the Winsafe1 command at the WinSafe directory. Example: C:\windows>cd\ (press enter) C:\>cd\winsafe (press enter) C:\WINSAFE>WINSAFE1 (press enter) This will then recopy the Registry from the Safe (placed there the day you installed WinSafe98 or the last time you saved the old configuration) and your Win.ini and System.ini. If at this point you are still unable to get into Safe Mode to look for other conflicts (usually at this point it is a hardware problem), review the available commands from dos. If none of these help you should then strip your computer of all unnecessary hardware including PC cards inside the unit that are not essential to operate (i.e.: modem, scanner, sound cards, etc.). If you still cannot boot to Windows you will have to reinstall Windows 95. Type the word Winstall at the WinSafe directory and WinSafe will access your cabinet files. Do not restore with WinSafe98 after reinstalling Windows. You may manually copy files back but do not copy back the Registry after you are up and running use the Backup button first to reset the backup files. If you install a differnt version of Windows95 you will need to delete the winsafe directory and reinstall it. You can not use the update feature. HOW TO RESTORE Do not backup until you have repaired the problem! A good place to start is with the bootlog.txt file, read it for failed loaded items. You can also read it at the C:\ prompt in DOS using the Bootlog command or typing C:\EDIT BOOTLOG.TXT. You may have to reboot first and create a current bootlog by pressing the f8 key at the Starting Windows screen. After you have booted to Windows in Safe Mode you may compare the SYSTEM INFORMATION that you saved to the new information that you now have from the SYSTEM INFORMATION file. Also look at the MSD file and Hardware file. After you have booted to Windows a couple of times and repaired the problem you may use the Backup button. If you used the WinSafe command, your problem was most likely a Registry problem or a driver or hardware conflict. Your Autoexec.bat and Config.sys load these drivers. These two files load software and hardware drivers that Windows does not need to run and all these entries have been made by the software that has been added. In most cases, you do not need to run an Autoexec.bat or a Config.sys. To help find your problem, replace these two files with empty files as follows: open notepad and type the word REM on the top line and save as Autoexec.bat in the c:\ drive; do the same for the Config.sys. Now copy one line from the Autoexec.bat or Config.sys that is stored in the WinSafe directory into its' corresponding empty file and reboot. Repeat this process until you can no longer boot into Windows successfully. When you get locked out of Windows; use the WinSafe command, reboot to Windows and fix the problem. Now you can click restore on WinSafe98. If WinSafe98 will not allow you to restore, go to the c:\ drive in your Explorer. Scroll down in the right window to Safe.Exe and double click it. You will now be able to restore without backing up again. VIEWING FILES FROM DOS To View a text file from the DOS prompt, type EDIT and then the file name. Example: EDIT HELP.TXT The file names are INSTALL.TXT, RESTORE.TXT, TIPS.TXT, and HELP.TXT ECHO is off @echo off [PRODUCT] ID=